The Donor Experience ™

Guide Your Donors to Greater Giving

We’ll work to guide your donors to their ultimate destinations—as dependable annual supporters ... candidates for major giving ... members of your planned giving legacy society ... or all three.

But to get them there, we’ll help you provide an experience that moves them ... that taps into their deep-seated reasons for giving ... that can relate to their own personal stories ... and align their personal mission with yours.

Each donor has inner experiences that motivate charitable giving, prompted by family, faith, feelings, and formative events, large and small. We can help you tap into these motivating forces... and forge outstanding relationships with your supporters.

In short: make them feel more like your partners than your contributors ... find a way into their hearts ... and their loyalty and generosity will follow.


Domestic violence needs to stop and I am certain my giving will help that happen.


LGBTQ rights have made great strides in the courts. I am proud my giving has helped make that happen.


My dog has always been my rock in hard times, and I know others need the support a pet can I help the shelter when I can.

Pay It Forward

Children are our future and I just have to help give them a chance at a happy life.


The rally really energized me and makes me want to beat the drum for change.


My daughter owes her life to my hospital and I want to be sure other kids have the same chance... That's why I give.

How We Work

A Team that Adapts to Your Needs

Our team leaders bring us multi-disciplinary insight from both the non-profit and commercial sectors and great left brain/right brain outside-the-lines thinking. Plus we have a deep bench of consultants, copywriters, designers, digital specialists, analysts and more, to custom tailor our relationship with you.

Meet Our Team

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Let’s get the conversation started! Just tell us in a few words what’s on your mind today.

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